miercuri, 14 august 2013

Get your motivation

Hey guys,

Do you ever feel that you can be better? This is a question that you must all think about and contemplate. It's very important for you to have the chance to know you better. Start doing some exercises, think about what you could do with your life, start to aim at something bigger.

I'm sure you heard that inside voice many times, that voice that encourages you to do something important and at the same time useful, that voice that says: become something.Sometimes you may feel full of courage, incredible inspired almost unstoppable, well that's the thing you must feel everyday. This is the feeling that helps you fight for your future, for you. This is motivation, that has unbeliveble effects on your life, if you can focus it on something productive. But there is the second part, when this so called "voice" goes away, and you remain with nothing, no hope, no power to fight for all the things you would want.

The thing is, that we are all motivated, some of us just fall into the trap and lose their inner voice, their motivation. The first step is to learn to control this. Start watching a great movie, start reading something, watch a seminar or who knows, listen to some nice music, talk to someone who can drive you in this state.
The second step is to focus on productive things, find out what would make you happy, relaxed and start building something based on those things.

I hope you will think at least 5 minutes after reading this post, and find something in it. It doesn't matter what, a little spark in your head. You must realize that great things, are made by people who are motivated, because if you are motivated, you will be able to work more.

Become something, start doing that now !

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