marți, 13 august 2013

All about meta-tags

Hey guys,

I had just finished my meta tags, it was a little bit tricky but somehow I did it, and I'm glad. I will put here the tricks, tips, and all the needed information, so you can build your meta-tags corectly and to recieve the best rewards for it. Here it goes:

1. The page title:
-The page title is very important for indexing, because a lot of search related content are from the title of the page. The page title meta tag should be something like this:

<meta content=' THE PAGE TITLE ' name='title'/>

-The best thing to do is to make as relevant as possible THE PAGE TITLE with the page content, and one of the most important things is that you must keep it under 70 characters, or else, the robot will not index all the words.

2. Meta description:
-You should know that almost 50% of the people who are giving a click and coming to your web site, are doing this because your meta description. This should be like the slogan of your web site/blog/buisness and it needs to be no more than 160 characters. The meta description tag should be something like this:

 <meta content=' YOUR DESCRIPTION/SLOGAN ' name='description'/>

- You should write this like you were writing a very catchy TWEET but with a little bit more characters.

3. Key word meta:
-The key word meta tag is not that important anymore as I read on different articles I found researching, but, it's still a good stuff to put here I think. Your key word meta tag should not have more than 15 words, the less the better, because you concentrate more power to less words, but this is different from site to site. The key word meta tag should be something like this:

<meta content=' KEY WORDS HERE' name='keywords'/>

Here is the complete meta tag:
<meta content='INDEX, FOLLOW' name='robots'/>
<meta content=' TITLE ' name='title'/>
<meta content=' DESCRIPTION ' name='description'/>
<meta content=' KEYWORDS ' name='keywords'/>
<meta content=' AUTHOR ' name='author'/>
<meta content=' OWNER ' name='owner'/>
<meta content=' COPYRIGHT (c) 2013' name='copyright'/>

I finished this meta tags, and actualy scored preety good on some SEO analyzer websites. I hope you will be able to configure your meta as well as I did.

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